
Fairly Split Expenses - Simplifying Sharing Together!

JointJar Beta Program

Join the JointJar Beta Program: Shape the Future of Shared Finances!

We are thrilled to extend an invitation for you to join the JointJar Beta Program! Your participation is instrumental in shaping the future of our platform, and we highly value your input and feedback.

To join the Beta Program, please follow these simple steps:

  1. Send an email to with a brief explanation of why you're interested in participating in the Beta Program.

  1. Once we receive your email, our team will carefully review your request.

  1. If your application is approved, you will receive an invitation via Apple TestFlight. This will allow you to access the beta version of JointJar and explore new features before they're released to the public.

  1. As a beta tester, you'll have the opportunity to provide valuable feedback directly within the app. Your insights will help us identify bugs, improve functionality, and refine the user experience.

  1. If you wish to withdraw from the Beta Program at any time, please send an email to indicating your decision.

By reaching out to us, you acknowledge and agree to our [Privacy Policy] and [Legal Notice].

We appreciate your willingness to be part of the JointJar Beta Program. Together, we can create a better platform for managing shared finances.

Thank you for your support and dedication!